Student Travel Grants Program


The Organizing Committee will do everything possible to assist international students to attend the Conference by offering travel grants to cover the partial travel costs to Taiwan. Travel grants will be paid to the applicants who demonstrate the greatest level of achievement in order to attend the Conference. The evaluation process of who will be awarded the grants will come after all interested parties have registered. Therefore, applicants must first pay the registration fee and all other fees prior to the Conference regardless of whether they will be awarded grants.
All international students who are currently enrolled and submit an abstract for this conference are eligible for this grant application. Please note that students who have had their Conference abstract accepted and/or are from developing countries will receive higher priority for consideration.
A limited number of travel grants will be available for those in need of financial support for their travel to the conference. If you feel you are in this category, please submit the necessary documentation to the evaluation committee. The financial award is up to NTD 9600 (Approx. USD 300) per person, depending on the number of applicants, and the travel distance.

Travel Grant Application Process and Notification

Applicants who are interested in applying for the IOHA2008 Student Travel Grant should complete the Student Travel Grant Application Form and attach a recommendation letter that has been written by an advisor or faculty member.
The form should be submitted via e-mail to the Conference Secretariat before November 18, 2008. Any forms that are received after that date will not be reviewed for acceptance. The Travel Awards Committee will review the applications and notify all applicants in response to award decisions by the beginning of December.
Applicants must be an author or co-author listed on an accepted abstract to be eligible for the award. Please note that IOHA2008 still accepts late breaking poster after the abstract submission deadline. Applicants must be an undergraduate or graduate student at the time of the conference. Please send a photocopy of your student ID. Preference is given to Ph.D students. Preference is also given to students who must travel the farthest.

Application deadline extend to Dec. 3, 2007

Please click here to download the application from.