Call for Abstracts


Poster Presentation

If you have not yet submitted your poster presentation, we strongly recommend you submit before 5th January to be included in the conference abstract book.


Deadline for submission

The Deadline for Submitting Abstracts has been Extended to September 30, 2007.

* Call for Late breaking poster is still open.


Acceptance Notice

Abstracts will be peer-reviewed by a scientific programme committee and the Oral presentation acceptance notice will be announced at November 5, 2007.



At least one of the authors must be at the assigned poster during the designated time to discuss the work presented. If you become unable to present your poster, please make arrangements for one of your co-authors to do so. Please contact the conference secretariat regarding any changes in presenters.

Abstract Areas and Topics

Topic Areas
Abstract Topic
Exposure assessment
  • Exposure assessment strategies, modeling, and risk assessment
  • Sampling and analysis: traditional and nontraditional sampling techniques and analysis/field sampling strategies and techniques
  • Human biological monitoring and dermal exposure
  • Community Exposure
  • Physical agents
Exposure control technologies
  • Environmental control technologies
  • Exposure control in cottage industry
  • Silica exposure control
  • Protective clothing and equipment
  • Respiratory protection
  • Aerosol technology
Biological hazards
  • Biohazards in occupational environment
  • Biohazards and infectious control
  • Environmental microbiology
  • Health care industry
Ergonomic hazards
  • Ergonomics in advanced manufacturing system
  • Ergonomics in construction and heavy industry
  • Ergonomic programs for the reduction of cumulative trauma disorders
  • Occupational ergonomics and biomechanics
Stress, mental heath, and health promotion
  • Health management and promotion in workplace
  • Stress: fatigue, depression, sleep disorder, health promotion
Occupational Epidemiology and Toxicology
  • Occupational epidemiology
  • Toxicology
General occupational safety and health
  • Emergency preparedness and response
  • Industrial hygiene general practice
  • International occupational hygiene issues
  • Safety/accidents (disaster) prevention
Occupational health and safety management
  • Computer applications and auditing EHS systems
  • Consultation program
  • Globally harmonized system
  • Management and communications
Special issues on occupational safety and health
  • Semiconductor and other high-tech industry
  • Nanotechnology
  • Indoor environmental issues
  • Laboratory health and safety
  • Child labor
  • Agricultural health and safety

Abstract approval process

  1. Abstracts must be submitted for all presentations.
  2. Selection of contributions will be based on a peer-review by the Conference Scientific Committee.
  3. Abstracts will be supplied to IOHA2008 participants on arrival.
  4. Abstracts for the IOHA2008 must be in English and should be submitted on line.
  5. Abstracts to be submitted for IOHA2008 are those provisionally accepted through the Abstract approval process.
  6. Abstract form:
  • Please make the abstract within 300 words, but the title and authors names and addresses are not included in the total word limit. There is no minimum word requirement.
  • Abstracts must be free from grammatical errors. Please proofread carefully for factual, spelling, and size errors.
  • The template utilizes a two columns layout. If you have an image or table tat is wider than one of the columns then convert to one column at the point where the image or table is placed.
  • Color can be utilized for tables and images but the papers in the printed proceedings will not be in color.
  • Leave a blank line between the headings and abstract. Single-space throughout abstract.
  • Do not use tables, figures, or bibliographic references.
  • Scientific symbols may be used.
  • Use standard abbreviations and symbols (refer to American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal, published by AIHA, or Applied Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, published by ACGIH). Keep abbreviations to a minimum, and define each one when used for the first time.
  • Proof your abstract before submitting.

Presentation Type

All of the accepted abstracts will be selected for either oral or poster presentations. Those whishing to make presentations should indicate their preference on the Submission System. The type of presentation will be finally determined by the Scientific Committee, although the applicantˇ¦s preference will be given priority.

Oral presentation

  • The presentation at IOHA2008 is those provisionally accepted through the Abstract Approval Process. Their inclusion in the Conference is subject to Conference Registration and payment (presenting author)
  • The oral presentations during the scientific sessions will be ˇ§15-30ˇ¨ minutes depending on the number of papers to be presented in each session. Part of the time may be allocated for question. The exact length for presentations will inform authors via e-mail from IOHA2008.
  • Prior to submission of your PowerPoint Presentation to IOHA2008 (Maximum of 30 minutes). Make the necessary changes to your PowerPoint presentation based on feedback prior to submission to IOHA2008. If authors add any changes to their PowerPoint presentations after submission they should bring the latest version for use at the Conference.
  • Please hand in your brief curriculum vitae (within 100 words in Word doc) for use by the Session Chair to introduce the presenter to the audience as you submit your abstract(s).
  • When your PowerPoint presentation has been finalized this should be sent as an E-mail attachment to There is no limitation for the file attachment.
  • The PowerPoint Presentation will be converted to PDF files for the CD.


  • Posters for presentation at IOHA2008 are those provisionally accepted through the Abstract Approval Process. Their inclusion in the Conference is subject to Conference Registration and payment (presenting author)
  • The maximum poster size is 1.15m tall and 0.95m wide and hand written posters are not accepted.
  • A poster printed on one large sheet is encouraged.
  • Poster Discussions:
    • The actual time of the authors to present on their posters will be announced via e-mail.
    • The aim of the poster presentations is to stimulate discussion. Poster presenters should not simply read aloud the text of the poster, but summarize their main questions and the results they obtained.
    • Each poster presenter has 5 minutes to convey the main content of their poster during the poster discussions.
    • At least one of the authors must be at the assigned poster during the designated time to discuss the work presented.
    • No-show:If you become unable to present your poster, please make arrangements for one of your co-authors to do so. Please contact the conference secretariat regarding any changes in presenters.

Proceeding / Publication

The IOHA2008 Conference Proceedings will include all the papers submitted that were accepted.

All abstracts will be asked to submitted through the Online Abstract Submission System.

Abstract Format

Please download the sample as below for your reference.